Download Franks Speaker Profile.

Download Franks Portfolio.


Listen to the podcast about the future of work at Arbeitsphilosophen. (german)

Listen to the podcast about transformation through corona at Challenging PardadigmX, Connecting the Dots (english)

Listen to my thoughts about Music and Blockchain at Most Wanted:Music 2017. (english)

Welcome to the unknown. Master of Transformation Podcast https://ingostoll-audiografie.de/motcast/019/ (german)


Trapped in systems and behaviors that we created ourselves. Systems that have taken on a life of their own. You can see or listen to what I mean by this in the ueberwegs podcast.
Audio: https://ueberwegs.de/vinyltalk/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7kiNeAmwKo&feature=youtu.be

Watch his TEDx Talk about artificial intelligence at TEDx Marrakesh.
(english, please excuse the bad audio quality. They just recorded the room audio)

In conversation with Prof. Dr. Gunter Dueck as part of our show BEYOND DUALITY

In conversation with Prof. Dr. Gunter Dueck

An interview with Prof. Dr. Gerd Folkers as well as Sascha Pallenberg as part of our show BEYOND DUALITY

In conversation with Prof. Dr. Gerd Folkers
In conversation with Sascha Pallenberg

Watch the recoding of the podcast Challenging PardadigmX, Connecting the Dots (english) and listen to what I think.

See Frank in short trousers talking about “banking like water” at 12min.me in Hamburg (german)

You can leave your hat on and talk about the “future of fashion” at 12min.me in Hannover (german)

Listen to the interview Frank gave in London about Artificial Intelligence and Technology in the Workplace. (english)


No Screenshots on the Dancefloor


Trash or Crash – How Blockchain might Save Us


